back/zurück updated: 11.03.1998

Welcome to my Genealogy Home Page!

Please read this first...

This genealogical database contains mostly persons from the area of Dillingen (Saarlouis County, Saarland, Germany). It took me much time and money and sometimes great efforts to obtain the data. If this database is of great value for you and saves you time and money, please encourage my work and send me at least an e-mail as appreciation of my efforts. For all those who have contacted me already for data exchange: thank you! The database contains all persons for which I can provide more information. Further research cannot be done (for free), sorry. The main objective of this database is to offer a facility to start a data exchange with you.

Commercial use of this database is prohibited!

Any data obtained from this database should include a reference to this source! My presentation here relies on your fairness.

Note: All dates on these pages are given in german format (DD.MM.YYYY)!

If you have suggestions or problems by using these pages please send me an e-mail.

Special thanks to Boris Neubert. He gave me a lot of suggestions for making these pages. Have a look on his genealogical page:

Boris Neubert's Genpage


Database Access Point